A blueprint for Experienced investors, coaches, and educators ready to grow & monetize their social media

A Blueprint for Experienced investors, coaches, and educators

learn how to consistently attract & convert the right audience every day on social media

(This Can Work Even If You Currently Have under 10k followers, no social media system, Or Have No Idea What An offer Suite Is Yet...!)

If you're here it's because...

You realized that the old ways of marketing in real estate just don't work as well anymore. You saw that there's a lot of competition, and it's tough to stand out.

You understood that having a strong online presence is crucial, but you didn't know where to start.

You wanted to use social media to grow your real estate business, but you were afraid and unsure.

So, you decided to take charge of your future and explore social media marketing. You imagined becoming a well-known figure in the real estate world, and you were determined to learn the strategies that would help your business grow.

But along the way, you encountered a few roadblocks.

➡️ Your attempts to get consistent high-quality leads didn't always work out.

➡️ Creating a message that really connected with your audience was tricky.

➡️ Turning those follows into loyal leads or clients felt like a puzzle.

And suddenly navigating the digital world feels confusing, with no clear path to success.

You're feeling overwhelmed, maybe even isolated, as you watch others seemingly effortlessly conquer social media. Doubt has even crept in, whispering that maybe this isn't the right path, that you're not cut out for it...

And now, you're here, looking for a solution...

In the last 4 years I went from...

⇨ Running the digital marketing department of a real estate wholesale company

⇨ Launching a local 200+ member real estate investing meetup

⇨ Feeling stuck with the business I was building


✨ Building a business that ties my love for real estate and marketing together.

✨ Helping 35+ real estate investors grow their audience and monetize their brand

✨ Generating $5M worth of leads for our clients

As overnight and straightforward as it might seem, it wasn’t. I had to work (very) long hours, invested $40,000 in my education, tried and tested various strategies and made MANY mistakes...

But we did it: we cracked the code of content creation & sales on Instagram.

Whatever the platform, whatever the algorithm, the recession, we’ve always been able to get exposure and most importantly: SALES.

Once you've cracked the code too, you wont have to worry about losing your exposure and the fear of losing your lead flow: because you’ll KNOW what to do.

No more missing out on strategies that can transform your real estate business

❌ No more losing potential clients or partners because your offers aren't clear

❌ No more wasting time creating content that brings you no growth and no leads

❌ No more struggling with sales funnels that could bring you steady income or capital

With this knowledge, you'll confidently replicate your success across ANY account or platform in ANY niches, opening up endless possibilities for you.

You just need to understand this:

If you want to ORGANICALLY attract and convert high-value clients fast while putting the least amount of efforts (aka - an automated business), you need 3 things:


Loyal Audience

Shape your compelling messaging to build and nurture an engaged following. [You dont need 100k followers]


Irresistible Offer

Semi-automated system to turn leads into clients or capital partners.


Sales System

Convert leads to drive revenue and capital for your business

Here's what's inside the Social SalesBlueprint...

You're going to get access to the playbook to organically get more leads and clients for your business while saving time creating content

1. Build your audience

First we unveil your intention in your business and help you fine-tune your messaging to increase the chances of successful conversions.

Then we craft a audience building strategy to drive real engagement without wasting too much of your time.

2. Launch your offer

We'll optimize your offers so they bring in consistent high-quality leads that want to take action.

PLUS We'll show you to drive that traffic into your sales system.

3. Copy our sales system

We'll show you our sales system and how it works.

We've built the automations, funnels, and frameworks for you to start seeing results immediately.

Spend less hours creating content that doesn’t increase high-value lead flow

You’re "modeling" what works (with good intentions) but you’re giving your audience an immediate reason to shut off...

I'll show you exactly how to stand out as an authority and build an audience (even if you're just starting) that will turn into leads and clients with a system that works FOR your business.

Register now to uncover whats inside the Social Syndicate:

...And Begin To Generate leads and Clients Without wasting hours creating content and getting stuck in “Analysis Paralysis”

Why your brand is your strongest tool these days

...and how to position yourself as an authority

The exact blueprint to attract an engaged audience

+ the FRAMEWORK to share YOUR origin story to stand out

How to automatically bring in new leads and clients

...without spending HOURS on calls with unqualified prospects

How to easily create a WINNING offer suite

...to serve your audience at any level of their journey to increase your value

That’s not it, on top of this, we added some exclusive bonuses of a total value of

$2,795 💸

But as part of this exclusive challenge, you get them for FREE...

Bonus: Your Copy of our Content + Sales Systems 🚀

Step-by-Step guide to install your sales system

...without gambling your money with ads or low-quality leads

Save time with content creation

...access our content calendar and planner system to rid the stress of creating everyday

What Our Clients Are Saying...

We scaled this brand from 20k to 118k and generated $98k in sales on the first launch 🚀

This image below is a screenshot directly taken from Social Blade from Nov 2021 to April 2023.

We started working with this client in June 2022 and as you can verify that’s when her growth starts skyrocketing

(Can’t disclose name, NDA)

The images below is a screenshot directly taken from the client’s system.

On the right is how much Revenue was generated from July to August during a mastermind launch. (98k in 30 days)

Ashton launched her Airbnb Education program and made $15k🔥 + grew her page from ZERO to 5000 followers in 4 months

Ashley attracted $47k in capital partners for her real estate investment business in 3 days 🤯